DMF is a nonprofit dedicated to getting healthy food to those in need.
How do we work?
We're building an aquaponics farm to donate fish and veggies to local food pantries. We're also going to sell our leftover produce and exchange it for shelf-stable canned goods that last longer in the pantries and food banks.
Technology & Innovation
Finance & Investing
By utilizing fish as our source of fertilizer, we not only produce healthy fish for the local food pantries, we reduce the need for space by growing vertically, and we reduce the amount of energy used in traditional hydroponics container gardens. In addition to the energy savings, we're going to work with a local solar energy company to further reduce our farm's carbon footprint.
All of our expenses currently come from our own pockets. We need the help of local companies and your donations to make our dream of building sustainable farms for food-insecure rural areas come true.
Our team

With his experience volunteering and working for nonprofits, Mat founded the Daily Meals Foundation after reading about the staggering 17% food insecurity rate in his home state of Arkansas. His dream is to build aquaponics farms in impoverished rural areas throughout his state and beyond.

With a degree in geochemistry...