Our mission at Daily Meals Foundation is to set up aquaponics farms and gardens in food-insecure rural communities, so people have access to fresh fruits, veggies, and fish daily.
No person or family in the wealthiest nation in the world should go hungry. Only with your help can we begin to put an end to this atrocity. "Each year, 199 billion pounds of food is wasted in the United States. That equates to 130 billion meals and more than $480 billion in food thrown away each year," Feeding America.
Our Current Projects
Building Our First Aquaponics Farm
We're in the planning process of building our first aquaponics farm. All of the food that isn't given away at local food pantries will be sold or traded to local restaurants and stores for canned food that can be easily stored in the local pantries and food banks.
The Nonprofit Chronicles
We will be filming our journey as we learn the ins and outs and all the pitfalls of making a nonprofit work. Please join us on this mission by donating, sharing, and following our vlogs. We can't do this without you!
Our Vlogs...